- Bob has been line breeding Llewellin Setters for over forty years.
- The line of dogs he breeds goes back to some of the best lines of grouse and woodcock dogs anyone can find.
- I have bought 2 dogs from Bob, both are excellent retrievers, staunch on point, honor, hunt close and both handle like a dream.
- Bob will not breed a female until she is finished, she must be of excellent quality and have all the tools to do the job otherwise he will not breed her.
- Straight Creek kennels has some of the best Llewellin stud dogs in the country. I have spent many days with Bob watching his studs put on a show, they would make any bird dog person proud to have a pup out of them.
- Mr Bailey doesn't use fancy words to sell his dogs; If Bob trains a dog for you, you will be invited to come down to his kennel and watch the dog perform in the field under the gun.
- Bob Bailey is a excellent breeder and trainer. He taught me more about training bird dogs than I could ever learn from anyone. He starts with a excellent pup and when the dog is finished he will call you to come down and watch your dog work. No guess work here, he shows you what the dog will do in the field.
- If you wish to buy a untrained pup, you will have to go on a waiting list and put down a small deposit, his pups go fast, you may want to plan a year in advance.
- Last, Mr. Bailey is the most honest person that I have ever had the pleasure to meet. When he gives you an evaluation on a trained dog you can take it to the bank. Feel free to email me if you wish to ask more about "Straight Creek Llewellin Setters"
Jim Jones Jr.
Ryegate, Vermont
Email: skytop@fairpoint.net
I couldn't be more pleased with this little setter. I thought dogs like this no longer existed. This is the kind of setter that made people love setters. What a natural! He points like nobody's business and holds forever. He naturally adjusts his range according to what type of terrain we are hunting. My wife took this picture during a training session. He stayed locked up on this planted bird while she took pictures for 5 minutes. I only wish she had been there with her camera when he pointed his first woodcock. That was something to see.
Doug Thacker
Mt. Airy, Georgia
I've known Bob Bailey for about 20 years. When he tells you a dog will point,back and retrieve you can take that to the bank.There is no need to second guess him, he speaks the truth.
Clifford W. Hardy Jr.
Bessemer, Alabama
I have owned a brace of Brittany Spaniels, a brace of German Shorthairs, 3 or 4 Labrador Retrievers, and a third German Shorthair. All but a couple were excellent bird dogs. I now own an eight month old Llewellin Setter male from Straight Creek Kennels. He is in my mind the absolute best of the best. A great companion,and also extremely bright with a great nose for birds.
Wallace Ryzenga
I have bought two dogs from bob . One was a male in 2006 and one female in 2007. They were out of different parents and they are both my favorite dogs in my kennel. They are both very people oriented. They both pointed at about 13 weeks naturally and held a point w/ out any training. I will train them this summer to whoa and come in and I am sure they will be easy to finish. They are for people that want a dog that can become one of the family but also hunt hard. I hunt in south Texas and the conditions are pretty tough but their performance is outstanding. I would strongly recommend bob’s dogs to anyone. My dogs are foot or slow jeep hunters-not field trailers.
Greg Cook
Belville, Texas
Dear Bob:
When I purchased Millie from you, I knew I had a very special dog. Millie is a lovely tri-colored Llewellin, gentle, female, loving, and a born hunter. Millie took to my home almost immediately, she loves to sleep on an easy chair in our living room, and was toilet trained within a week after she arrived. My wife owns a Yorkie, and the two dogs, would seem to present a difficult mix, however, Millie had no difficulty making a new friend, and the two dogs are often seen sleeping on the sofa, the Yorkie lying against Millie's chest.
Millie is a constant visitor at my office, usually lying under my desk with her nose on my left foot. She is a gentle soul who delights in playing with the children who are patients of the dentist next to my office. Millie loves to ride in my SUV. When we go hunting show dominates the other dogs, with a great nose, an instinct for where the birds are hidden, and her ability to point, retrieve, and obey field commands is a testament to the program that Bob uses to train his dogs.
I could say Millie is like a best friend, but she is more. She is gentle in my home and powerful in the field, she loves children, but protects our property. She senses things, and often goes out of her way to give me a poke with her nose on a down day.
I have never had a day go by when I do not thank Bob for trusting me with his dog, it is a bond of trust I will never break. When I have had questions, Bob has always had answers, his dogs say everything about the man, I am proud to call him my friend. If you have any doubts about whom Bob Bailey is or the quality of his dogs, pay him a visit, you will leave with a dog, and never regret having met the man. Bob is the last of those men who understand the profound bond a dog shares with his human owner, and the style Bob brings with him to his kennel, his dogs, and his life, has created a Llewellin that has rewritten the yardstick by which excellence is measured.
Best regards,
Stephen Samnick
Like a lot of folks I first learned of Llewellin Setters watching “Hunting with Hank”. I absolutely wanted a Hank – a dog with style, a terrific nose, steady point, terrific retrieve, as well as a super disposition. Well I think I have a dog with the potential of a Hank.
But before I could have a “Hank” the first thing I had to do was find a breeder that had the bloodlines and training credentials I was looking for. Bob Bailey was highly recommended to me as the “godfather” of Llewellin’s. As I did my own research I was intrigued to see Straight Creek breeding popping up in a lot of Llewellin lines.
I contacted Bob and worked with him to select “Curley” a handsome Blue Belton pup born on the 4th of July, 2007. At our request, Bob kept Curley and trained him to “started dog” level. Early this May (2008), my wife and I traveled from Maine to Kentucky to meet Bob and pick up Curley. We were anxious to see just how much this 9-month old pup could do. We were definitely not disappointed.
We met with Bob and toured his kennels and checked out a number of very nice dogs he had bred and trained (not a bad one in the bunch). After a while, we all put on our boots and took Curley and a couple of other kennel mates to the field and put them through their paces. Thanks to Bob’s training and his good bloodlines, Curley did everything he was supposed to do and then some. He pointed with intensity, retrieved shot birds, and backed the other dog on point. Curley is not only a “doer” he’s also a “looker” -- a handsome dog with good bone, a great nose and a super strong desire to hunt.
Curley is without a doubt athletic in the woods, constantly hunting and is learning to work with us and we with him. He is a quick learner. When he gets a scent he is cautious and cat like. Once he works it out and locks on, he is intense and his pointing pose is impressive. We could not be happier with Curley or the quality of the training Bob Bailey put into him. Bob is an “old school breeder; he is totally devoted to the integrity of the breed and produces incredible dogs.
Thanks Bob, it was an incredible experience. I am looking forward to many days afield with Curley leading me through the coverts in search of grouse and woodcock.
Semper FI
Greg McNeal
Fairfield, Maine
These pictures put the “ Little Man” at about 10 months to 15 months. As you can see, he is doing it all for me. I have even had him in a couple of NSTRA Trials this spring. He won the Derby class just last week. He is an outstanding pup and I get compliments about him all the time. I can surely see another Straight Creek Setter before too awfully long.
Have a good one and good hunting,
Arnie Sullivan
Kennewick, Washington
When I first met Bob a few years ago I was immediately impressed with his wealth of knowledge and his dogs. I quickly came to understand that not only is Bob a breeder of fine dogs, he is also a professional trainer and an avid hunter. Bob was extremely patient with my novice questions and I thoroughly enjoyed talking hunting, and getting his insight on dog training. That was a strong selling point for me.
Bob's string of fine Llewellins are bred not only to be great looking dogs, but they are biddable and easily trained and have the stamina to hunt all day. I was so impressed with my first pup, that after three years I added another Straight Creek pup to my home.
It's a wonderful experience when a purchase meets your expectations, but I have to say that dealing with Bob has exceeded all my expectations. I have had the opportunities to hunt behind some fine dogs, but these Llewellins are a cut above the rest.
Doug Jackson
Franklin, Ohio

I have had the privilege of knowing Bob Bailey for over 11 years. His Straight Creek Llewellin Setters are the finest in North America. Since meeting Bob I have had several straight creek setters all that have been outstanding bird dogs, pets and companions. I have family members and many friends that also own Straight Creek Llewellin’s and have consistently had the same level of success with their dogs. Bob’s breeding and training is second to none.
I have hunted my dogs in eight states for quail, woodcock, huns, chuckars, pheasants and ruffed grouse. They perform beyond the highest standards of any bird hunter on virtually any upland bird. Bob’s expertise in bird dogs and their training is incredible as well as invaluable. He is always available for follow up advice on fine tuning your dog, especially the pups.
Simply put, Straight Creek Llewellin’s provide bird hunters with the classic upland experience every time.
T.J. Coombs
Atlanta, GA
I could not be any more pleased with this pup. She has gone above and beyond all expectation I had for her at this age. Your breeding program is excellent. This female pointed and retrieved her first pheasant and 6 months old and has done nothing but improve. After hunting season last year I ran her in some field trials and she ending up taking 4 first places and 2 second places. She has very good range and an exceptional nose. She is about as steady as you can get and has a very beautiful point. Thanks again for the great bird dog.
Andy Erne
Rittman, Ohio

I have been an avid sportsman and hunter for many years, but have never had the opportunity to own a bird dog. My recent hunting interest shifted to Quail hunting and had decided to look into the possibility of purchasing a bird dog. Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of hunting over some pretty good dogs and found myself drawn to setters. I liked the idea of a dog that could become a great hunting companion as well as a family “member”. I own and also have access to some ideal quail habitat that suits a mid-ranging hunting dog. Most of my research and one-on-one bird dog discussions lead me to the Llewellin breed.
After settling on the breed, I needed to find a trusted Kennel / Breeder that I could feel comfortable with because I found myself with a problem ... I was informed by my wife that once I brought home a cute pup, that regardless of it future hunting pros / cons, it would not be leaving our family. So you see, I had to hit a “home-run” with the first dog. I spent several months researching and speaking to breeders across the country. My preference was to choose a pup from a breeder under eight hrs. driving, however, I would have gone wherever for the best pup / breeder. After much “detailed” homework, I settled on a Llewellin from Bob’s Straight Creek Kennels.
I first spoke to Bob over the phone and instantly I was put at ease with his non-aggressive selling approach. I visited Bob’s Kennel and had the pleasure of watching him train for a day. I was very impressed with his training approach as well as with his stock of Llewellins. I had never considered training this pup myself and always intended to employ the services of a professional dog trainer. However as Bob offered to provide those services, he convinced me that if I would put in the necessary time, “his Llewellin pups would almost train themselves”. Leary as I was (bird hunter with no dog training experience) I decided to try Bob’s suggestion. So, pup of 7 weeks (Magic) Wife (Linda) and I left Bob’s Kennel for home. (5 hrs away)
Now six months later, I could not have imagined the remarkable “fast” success I have had with Magic. This pup sight pointed at 9 weeks, honored basic commands at 12 weeks, pointed and held live birds at 4 months, gun broke (starter pistol then 20ga) at 4 ½ months, shot birds over him and naturally retrieved at 5 months. To date as I “attempt” to introduce new steps I’m always very concerned about pushing him too quick. However, just the opposite occurs. His desire to learn seems never ending. My buddies tell me that new challenges await me as he hits different ages, but for now I can say Bob was “right on”. This pup has made a wonderful hunting companion and is definitely a part of our family. Magic stays in the kennel during the day and in with us at night. If I would agree, my wife would let him sleep with us (not going to happen). But I have to admit, he does find his way into the front seat of my pick-up more often than in the dog box.
In conclusion, I would strongly recommend both Bob and his Llewellin pups. The research I preformed on Llewellin blood lines sent me in Bob’s direction. This pup has proven to me that it must be the blood line. How else could a novice bird dog owner end up with what I have described. If and when I every desire another dog... no doubt where I’ll go.
Mark Young
Louie Count Otho
Dear Bob,

I want to thank you for the truly outstanding dog I received from you; he is a dog anyone would be proud to own. He has so much natural instinct, it's amazing. I did very little training with him; it was as if he was trained right out of the box.
I had him test in the North America Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA). He passed the Natural Ability test with a total of 110 points (out of possible 112 points) to win a Prize I award. He did a great job in the field, retrieving from the water and tracking a wounded bird. This is pretty good for a dog a year old.
He is a great house companion and gets along well with the other dogs. He is a joy to come home to and a hight level hunting companion. Thank you again.
Mike Lake
Juneau, WI
Dear Bob,

This December 2008 the wonderful orange belton "Straight Creek Hanna" is with me for one year and I have to tell you that I couldn't be more pleased with her. Although she was already 3 1/2 years when I got her from you she bonded quickly and tight with me. She is a combination of an extremely affectionate, calm, and layed back friend in the house and a ball of energy and one hell of a hunting partner in the field. Everywhere we go people stop us, admire her and ask what kind of a breed she is.
Hanna adapted to the house quickly and I could have saved myself the money for her luxurious outside kennel because I spent more time in it putting it up than she did since I had her. She is good with all other animals including cats and loves company, children and car rides. In warm weather she only needs some water to go in the field for many hours and in cold winter weather she doesn't care about snow or ice as long as a bird cover is still in sight. Unfailingly on every hunt I am tired before Hanna and she never slowed down no matter what terrain or temperature. She points (her classic point is a pleasure to watch), retrieves, and adjusts her range to the type of terrain we are hunting in and always makes sure I am in sight and keeping up with her. She is a true partner who I love and can trust and I am as excited as her when we leave for the next hunt.
Already when Hanna and I drove from your place to the airport on our way home I knew we had a very special connection. Airport, people, luggage belts, noise all didn't bother her as long as she was with me and our bond just grew more every day!! She is a truely special dog and I know now why you didn't part with her earlier.
I am grateful for having her in my life and thank you for trusting me with this princess. Hanna was worth every mile of the trip to get her and she kept every promise that was made. She will never lack anything and always have a special place in my house and my heart.
I can only recommend you and your dogs to anyone who is searching for the perfect hunting and family companion. I have experienced and hunted over a number of other hunting dog breeds, result: nothing compares to a Llewellin setter, especially from your blood lines and I am considering to obtain another pup from you.
All the best
Juergen Krause
Prince Edward Island, Canada

I first talked with Bob about getting a Llewellin Setter, I explained to him that I had never trained a bird dog of any kind. He told me that the Llewellin bloodline he had were natural pointers and retrievers, because he had spent over 40 years breeding them for this reason. He also offered his assistance by calling him any time I needed. Within no time I found myself being the proud owner of an eight week old Chestnut puppy called Duke. He was pointing a wing the very first day. Over the next 11 months Duke became a fine gun dog, with 17 Ruffed Grouse to his credit in the state of Virginia, were some people say Grouse are rare. I know now what Bob was talking about, it's the bloodline in the dog and not the training ability of the owner.
Thanks very much for a great dog.
Rex Maxfield
Tazewell, Va.
Mr. Bob,

Linda and I are very happy with the pup we got from you. She is about 20mos. now and has been such confident dog and a pleasure to hunt with she has taken everything from the evening we left your home including the long ride home with a no problem attitude and this has been; her way until now. She pointed the first quail she every saw and with few exemptions all the others as well. I killed her first bird when she was 3mo. old after consulting with you. Dad and my uncles were avid bird hunters when I was growing up. I never saw any yard training or a rope on a dog for that matter, yet their dogs pointed backed and retrieved. The pup I got from you is Such a dog. Just taking a dog like this hunting will in most cases produce a dog that an average Bird Hunters like me can be very proud to own. I am back to hunting birds instead training dogs. By the way you were straight forward with me when you told me your dogs were bred for Grouse and Woodcock. If they are all like Queen, no problem, she loves quail and points even pen raised birds with great class and style. The picture i am sending you is Queen on pen raised Quail. Also let me assure you the heat down here has not been problem for Her. She has been conditioned properly and common sense is applied at all times. I will be calling in the next week or so because I want another dog from you very soon.
David and Linda Posey

At age 11 I went on my first Ruffed Grouse hunt in the mountains of Harlan, Kentucky with my Grandfather. He had a 13 year old Llewellin Setter named Jack, a champion. Shortly after that season Jack passed away leaving us without a quality grouse dog. We went through several dogs but none with the nose and skill like him. Several years had passed and my father and I decided it was time to start grouse hunting again. The question was do they make dogs like Jack anymore?

I researched a few months trying to find the kind of dog that would fit our needs. A dog that hunted close due to the rough terrain of the Southeastern Kentucky Mountains. A dog that has the ability to smell a grouse seventy five feet over the thick banks. By word of mouth my grandfather had some friends that had purchased Llewellin Setters from a Mr. Bob Bailey. I contacted these guys and they all praised the Setters that Mr. Bailey raised.
I contacted Mr. Bailey in October of 2009 hoping that he had a dog left for the fast approaching season. Mr. Bailey told me that he had one fancy female left that he believed would make a great all around bird dog. I picked Miss Rosie up in November and could not wait to get her into the woods after Bob showed me how she performed on quail. I could tell from that moment after I got Rosie on a Ruffed Grouse she would be something special.
Now the moment of truth, how is Rosie going to perform in the mountains? Rosie took to the mountains like a seasoned professional. I remember the first grouse that Rosie pointed. A slow cat like walk with her tail straight followed by a picture perfect point with her right leg tucked high. I walked past Rosie and over the bank twenty foot shot up Rosie’s first wild Ruffed Grouse. I shot and the Grouse collapsed with Rosie not far behind. Rosie got a hold of the Grouse and I remember my Grandfather saying “ I bet she is thinking this is the biggest quail I have ever seen.” At that point I knew that they do make dogs like Old Jack still.
Bob I just want to thank you for this wonderful dog. She had done more her first year that I have ever seen any young dog do. She has a nose that can smell a bird from a ridge away. You don’t have to question when she goes on point if a bird is there, just get ready. My dad said it best yesterday when we had her out “ I think she is the best dog that I have ever seen.” I would recommend Bob’s Llewellins to everyone that is looking for a quality hunting partner. Bob I thank you and Joyce once again for your outstanding dogs and look forward to getting Rosie a partner this year.
Matthew Smith
Harlan, KY
Hi Bob.
Just a little note on how my pup is doing. She is an amazingly fast learner and points like a champ. I have shot about a dozen quail over her and she loves to retrieve! She listens well and I couldn't be happier ! What a wonderful dog . Iwill be continuing her traing all summer and can't wait for hunting season !!! By the way I named her Grace and she is around 9 months old. Thanks again Bob and hope everyone is doing well.
Doug Tackaberry in Michigan
I have had my girl Molly for about a year and a half now and all I can say is WOW...thank you! She is everything I hoped for, and everything you said she'd be. She was completely natural to point and retrieve. I had her pointing at wings at 12 weeks, and she hasn't let up since. I am most surprised by her ability to retrieve though. I have seen several bird dogs who would rather not retrieve, but her desire and ability rival that of my labrador. At the age of 10 months she began hunting wild birds nearly every weekend and has done well with Pheasant, Quail, and Chukar in nearly every type of terrain possible. Aside from all that she is an absolute joy to have around the house. She has the sweetest disposition of any dog i know, and everyone who sees her can't help but admire her mild manner and good looks. I would say to anyone considering a Llewellin Setter that you cannot go wrong by getting a dog from Bob Bailey.
Kind Regards,
Justin Martin
Puyallup, WA

About six years ago, I went to a quail preserve with some close friends, Scott Shepherd and Robert Evans. I didn't really want to go and at that time I had no desire to shoot a pen raised quail but figured I would tag along. After the first point and shot, I quickly realized how much I had missed bird hunting (mostly the dog work) and decided that I would to get back into grouse hunting and began my search for a quality dog. Everything that I read pointed me toward Llewellin Setters and ultimately to Mr. Bob Bailey. I ended up buying an 8 week old pup I named Chief and my friend Scott Shepherd bought a wonderful started dog named Chance. Trust me when I say that I could write a book detailing the hunts that Chief and I have shared and the great times we've had. I will admit that I probably love that dog more than most people!

I don't brag or look for an opportunity to seek the approval of others, but have been told by several that Chief is the best grouse dog they've seen. I know, I know, everyone's crow is the blackest. ;) Accurate or not, he's pretty amazing and I wouldn't trade him for anything. I say that not to glorify him or myself, but to attest to the quality of dogs that Mr. Bailey has. They are truly remarkable! Mr. Scott Shepherd's dog is just as good and it's nothing that he or I have done, other than wear out several pair of boots, but what Mr. Bailey has worked so hard to achieve in his line of Llewellins. When I got Chief back after some training, he was about 10 months old and it was late December. I ended up killing 19 grouse over him through January and February and he wasn't even a year old (and there are by no means a lot of grouse where I live nor am I a great shot). He's around 6 years old now and has only improved over the years.
Thanks again to Mr. Bailey for everything! As long as the Lord blesses me with life and the ability to climb these hills, I hope to always have a Llewellin or two hanging around. If and when I'm too old to 'get after it', then I'll just have one laying around being as lazy as I hope to be and we will just grow old together!
Mr. Scott Pace
Harlan, KY
Dear Bob,

On your website I noticed that all the testimonials were from hunters. I wanted to send you one from a non-hunting wife of a hunter. In 2005 my husband told me he was going to West Liberty to get a hunting dog. I proceeded to tell him all the reasons why we didn't need another dog (we had a Jack Russell Terrier). Well, he went anyway and the rest is history. He brought home this pup (see photo Baxter 8 wks) and asked if I wanted to come outside and see him. I said NO. Of course curiosity got the best of me so I (reluctantly) went outside where I instantly lost my heart.

He is a beautiful, smart, funny, hunting machine. He has taken my husband hunting in Kentucky, Michigan and South Dakota and they have become the best of friends. When they are hunting he is all business and gets the job done, but when he is home he's my lap dog (all 65 pounds of him). He sneaks up into the bed with us at night and I love him like no other. He is 7 now (see photo Baxter 7yrs) and a little lonely (our Jack Russell passed away 6/30/12) so we may be paying you a visit soon to get him a little sister. As long as she comes from you I know she will be not only a great hunter but a wonderful addition to our family. Thank you so much for the best dog I've ever had the pleasure to be around.
Beth Jamison
Richmond, Kentucky
P.S. His sire was Big Grouse Spot and his dame was Straight Creek Judy. His full name is Big Baxter Blue.

Bob, What a great pup!!! Shot a limit of ring necks and a bag of Valley quail yesterday on public land. She is just a joy to hunt with!!!
Vick Haight
Nampa, Idaho

We are looking forward to our third Straight Creek Llewellin pup this spring. Our older setter turned twelve last fall. Our younger dog is six. We have owned three setters before Bob's llewellins which have shown themselves to be the better dogs. We trained both of Bob's dogs as pups and they have been all we could ask for. They have been sweet dogs, easy to train, naturals, great retrievers, smart, just great bird dogs. In addition they are polite around company and the grandchildren. They have been very adaptable hunters here in Alaska for ptarmigan and ruffed grouse, pheasants in North Dakota, and chukars in Oregon.

Having hunted over our dogs, an Alaskan hunting partner and my favorite chukar hunting partner in Oregon both bought setters from Bob, and they too are happy with their dogs.
Ken Thomas

Bob - 10 month old steady to wing and shot. She is a wonderful partner and a pleasure to work with. Nell is very intelligent, show her something a couple times she got it.
Hi, Bob and Joyce,

Brian, Ronja (Bonnie/Ben) and I just came back from a local Chucker Challgene. Ronja ran twice and earned much praise for her excellent nose; she found and pointed three birds in seven minutes. She held a couple of birds that she had to watch run (the Chuckers weren't flying very well in the cold weather). We have been working her with pigeons in traps every weekend with a few days with pheasants. At 10 months, she is a little wild but bird crazy and very often steady on her points. She is a great house dog too and making some progress on her obedience.
I am getting excited to take her swimming again this summer once the snow melts!
Thank you again for producing such an outstanding do. We love her!
Sam and Brian
Hi Bob &Joyce,
This is a video of my dogs please look at it and make sure it is ok and I will send the link along with my testimonial as long as you like it
Thanks Cory
Hi Bob and Joyce,
Our Maggie is now nineteen weeks old and we are hunting her on quail. I am sending you some footage we took yesterday. She is absolutely wonderful! We got her at six and a half weeks and brought her home to Roanoke. At eight weeks I started her training. At twelve weeks she knew come, sit, stay, whoa, fetch and heel. She has been holding a point on a bird wing since ten weeks old. I introduced her to live quail two weeks ago and started shooting over her last week. She is quartering like a pro and hunting hunting hunting! You will see her on point and hunting dead. All this at the age of nineteen weeks. She is performing way beyond our expectations. When in the field she is all business. At home she is a lovable pet. We have taught her not to get on the furniture or to jump up on people or objects. But as with any puppy, anything that hits the floor is considered a toy and to be chewed on and played with. When told to go to jail she goes into her carrier box in the family room where she sleeps at night.
In any event we truly love this dog and know we got the very best blood lines out there when we bought one of your pups.
Hope you enjoy seeing these videos as much as we have.
CW and Pat Houghton

I recently purchased a llewellin puppy from Bob at Straight Creek Kennels. After receiving my puppy (Fred) I called Bob up and requested another ASAP! I run a shoot preserve in south east Idaho and require superior dogs for my clients. At 5 months old Fred is pointing, honoring points and retrieving!

These Straight Creek dogs carry superior hunting skills and intelligence! They are extremely easy to train and well mannered dogs with a true passion and desire to hunt for you! If you are looking for a true bird dog you have found the spot I guarantee Straight Creeks dogs are top notch!!! The only down side to the dogs is they don't live forever!
Gordon McLean
Hi Bob,

This a photo of my puppy Aspen pointing released quail at four months. Yesterday when he turned six months he trailed and then pointed a wild covey of Kentucky quail. I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with him. He is on his way to making a fine gun dog.
Hi Bob,

Here we have Ike honoring Gabe while retrieving a bird. They were three and a half years old when this photo was taken. These dogs are extremely easy to train for hunting as it is natural for them to point, honor and retrieve. They are both very enthusiastic about their duties and are always excited whenever we head out for a day of hunting.
These two know that they were bred to hunt and are proud of their pedigree.
Thank you,
Stephen and Christine Coombs
P.S. As puppies they were on the cover of Upland Almanac.
Just got back from Nebraska-Beatrice-Downton out of your dog hunted six days straight from nine to five every day. He never tired so I can say we never saw his bottom. Killed 50 birds over him and he never flushed a quail accidentally. What a dog. He’s out of Dashing Iron Cody.
You are welcome to use the picture I sent along with this testimonial.
Cliff Hardy
Helena, Al